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Early education Center

Sunflower Early Education Center (EEC) houses two children’s programs.

Tiny-k Infant-Toddler Services

Sunflower’s tiny-k program is 1 of 33 programs in a statewide tiny-k network serving children with developmental delays and/or disabilities from birth to age 3.  Our tiny-k services are available at no cost to children in Barton, Pawnee, Rice, Rush, and Stafford counties. 

The mission of infant-toddler services is to enhance the capacity of parents to help their child reach his/her fullest potential by overcoming or lessening identified delays before preschool.


Our programs are individualized.  We assess skills and provide intervention in six developmental areas: fine motor, gross motor, adaptive (self-help), cognitive, speech and language communication, and social/social-emotional skills.  Family service coordination (FSC) is also available to assist with family needs and to provide effective parenting strategies.


Once a child is evaluated, we work with the parents to develop the IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan).  These plans are designed to target the strengths and needs of the family working with their child. The family's choice along with the child's individual needs help determine the selection of services.

Sunflower’s infant-toddler services are provided by a team of professional staff including early childhood special education (ECSE) teachers, speech-language pathologists, physical therapists, an occupational therapist, and a Spanish translator.

Infant-toddler services are offered in your child’s natural environment, which includes at home, daycare or preschool, or a community setting such as a park or library.


The services for early childhood intervention are available, at no costs to families. Click here to learn more about tuition/fees for Incredible Years Preschool.


Referrals are accepted from physicians, hospitals, community agencies, and parents. Anyone can refer a child for a screening.

Incredible Years Preschool

Incredible Years (IY) Preschool is a resourceful, high quality preschool.  We provide quality education and social opportunities for young minds and bodies to develop in a caring environment that is balanced with structured and free play.  Classes are available for children from 2 ½ to school age. ​

Class schedules include the following: 

  • Level 1 Class (2.5 - 3yrs)

    • 2 ½ - 3 Year olds attend Monday/ Wednesday from 8:00-11:00am.

      • *A child may begin attending during the school year once he/she turns 2 ½ if there is an available spots in the class.   

    • A $80 monthly tuition fee will be billed through Brightwheel.

      • ​A sliding scale discount is available for those who qualify.​

  • Level 2 Class (3-4yrs)

    • 3-4 Year olds attend Tuesday/ Thursday from 8:00-11:00am.​

    • ​A $80 tuition fee will be billed through Brightwheel.​

      • A sliding scale discount is available for those who quailfy.​

  • Level 3 Class (3.5yrs- Kindergarten)

    • 3.5 year olds (by Feb 15th) attend Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 12:00-3:00pm.

    • A $100 monthly tuition fee will be billed through Brightwheel.

      • A sliding scale discount is available for those who qualify.                                      

Incredible Years is state licensed and an approved child care provider by Kansas Department of Families and Children. Snack is offered to all of our sessions. An enrollment fee of $35 is required for all new students, and a $20 fee for returning student. Child care assistance may be available through DCF.

IY Preschool curriculum includes the following: 

  • Free Play: Imaginative pretend play

  • Social Emotional Development

  • Language/Literacy/Communication

  • Arts & Sciences

  • Sensory & Motor Exploration

  • Conscious Discipline


activity schedules & more information

Special programs are also offered throughout the school year including special visitors coming to our preschool, open house, Graduation program for the Pre-K class, and parent/teacher conferences. 

Summer School is available through the month of June for children ages 2 ½ to school age.

Contact McKinley Phillips, Coordinator and Early Childhood Special Ed. Teacher at Sunflower EEC at 620-792-4087 or email for additional information.

McKinley Phillips, MS, ECSE

Coordinator and Early Childhood Special Ed. Teacher

Sunflower Early Education Center

1312 Patton Road, Great Bend, KS 67530

Phone:  (620) 792-4087

Community Supports

Adult Services
8823 4th Street
PO Box 838
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 792-1321 voice
(620) 792-4709 fax

Case Management & Business Office

5611 10th St.
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 792-1325 voice
(620) 792-9119 fax

Early Education Center

1312 Patton Rd.
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 792-4087 voice
(620) 792-4685 fax

Sunflower Diversified Recycling Center

5605 10th Street
Great Bend, KS 67530
(620) 792-1321

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