disability supports
Sunflower provides a full range of services assuring a smooth transition from school to adult life.
Therapeutic Supports
Educational, therapeutic, and community access opportunities designed to increase each individual’s ability to contribute to their community and maximize their independence.
Medical Services
Coordination and supports designed to meet all medical needs.
Sunflower believes in living in your own home - not an agency owned group home with several unrelated adults. More than 80% of those we support in becoming more self-sufficient at home rent or own in their communities. Supporting real lives in real homes to whatever degree is needed from a few hours a week to assist with budgeting, medications, cooking, shopping, home maintenance to full-time intensive supports for someone with additional needs. We will work with the individual and their support team to achieve as much independence at home as is possible.

Community Employment
Achieving successful employment is possible with assistance in making career choices, completing job searches, developing effective resumes and interview skills as well as on-the-job coaching provided by our trained professionals. Creativity in identifying and modifying tasks as well as the belief that no one should be excluded from the opportunity to find a job and determination to assist them in doing so have made our Community Employment supports successful.
Employment Supports
Jobs designed to strengthen individual work skills resulting in significant earnings and increased potential for community employment. Most of the people working at Sunflower's Manufacturing Plant or Recycling Operations earn enough working part-time to improve their quality of life.
Equal Housing Opportunity
Sunflower Diversified Services-Housing, Inc. is currently taking applications for an opening in its HUD Section 202 rent subsidized group living facility for persons with developmental disabilities. The facility complies with the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and is licensed by the Kansas Department on Aging and Disabilities Services.

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